The main purpose of this package is to provide a Matplotlib style closely resembling that used by the ATLAS experiment for it’s plots.

This style can be activated by calling

import atlas_mpl_style as ampl

When the ATLAS style is active, text is typeset using LaTeX, and the standard ATLAS label can be drawn using the ampl.draw_atlas_label function. The use of LaTeX can be disabled by instead calling ampl.use_atlas_style(usetex=False).

The axis labels should be set using the ampl.set_xlabel and ampl.set_ylabel functions, to ensure they are correctly right / top aligned.

Other Styles

Additionally, two other styles based on the Paper VIM color scheme are provided. Slides has an off-white central background, and works well on slides. Print has a white background, for use in print. These styles do not use LaTeX for text typesetting, and can be activated using

# import matplotlib in the usual way
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import atlas_mpl_style as ampl'slides')
# or'print')